WIAW on Your Healing Diet

Hey ya’ll! One of my favorite parts of being a part of the healthy living community is the greatest day of the week: What I ate Wednesday. Thank you to the lovely Jenn for hosting such a fun day where everyone shares what they have been eating. I especially love the recent themes of sensible snacking because what can I say, but I love to snack. My brothers call me snacky or snack monster. It is all out of love or at least I hope it is. Anyways lets get to the fun of what I ate while following Your Healing Diet!

Thank god on Your Healing Diet you can consume whole grains because I might die if I was not able to get my weekly bowl of oats (more like 3 times a week oats). For this week I had a typical creative Lindsay bowl of oats that was super delicious. They are Apple Pie Cheesecake Oats. The recipe will definitely be coming soon to an audience near year, but everything in the bowl fit in with the diet since it was just oats, almond milk, water, cooked apples with cinnamon, and some other delicious things. Oatmeal is definitely something great to eat if you need to be full for a long period of time because the fiber in it provides that satiety to keep you going.

Here is my snacking. Since I have class from 8 am to 2 pm every single day of the week, I have to pack a bunch of snacks to eat throughout the day. The taffy isn’t on Your Healing Diet, but I thought I deserved a little treat of an apple and cinnamon flavored candy. My other snacks are a granny smith apple, a pear, a bag of cherry tomatoes, a bag of cherries and blueberries, and a chocolate covered cherry granola bar. The granola bar is a little processed, not on the plan, but it has a lot of fiber and I think kashi is one of the better options out there if you are going to consume any processed foods.

This is my favorite sandwich ever. I love making peanut butter and jellys with fruit in the middle. I used 100% whole wheat bread, PB2, bananas, strawberries, and an organic all natural raspberry jam from central market. Totally on the plan and totally delicious. I eat this as a snack sometimes, but I also have it as a lunch like I did this day. I served it with carrots and celery, which are not in the picture. I guess I like to eat rabbit food.

To be honest, this is not really on any plan. Whatsoever. Do I care? Not really since I was given a box of truffles by a really nice guy. They are lava cake truffles and they are mind-blowing. Seriously. Go out and get one. Godiva offers a free membership, where they give you a card and you can go each month and get a free truffle. Umm helloooo. Best deal. My mom and I go every month together. It is one of our fun mother daughter traditions.

How can you say no to that? When you bite into the decadent chocolate truffle there is a thick creamy chocolate and a liquidy chocolate that oozes out into your mouth when you bite into it. The truffle is also dusted in light powdered sugar. I only eat one every few days, and I justify it on Your Healing Diet by saying that chocolate is good for you. Ha ha ha.

For dinner, I’ve been enjoying a nice tofu stir-fry. This is definitely on Your Healing Diet. Since it is a mainly plant-based diet, if you want something that is meat like then tofu is your way to go. I personally love tofu, so following this plant based diet is not a problem. I just chop up my tofu into small squares, throw it in the pan, dump in the broccoli, and add some type of sauce to mix it up in. I usually serve it over a bed of brown rice or I just eat it all by itself.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Wednesday and What I ate Wednesday. If you want to go drool over food, I would definitely head over to Peas and Crayons for the weekly food event.

What have you been snacking on lately?
What is your favorite flavor of truffle?

15 thoughts on “WIAW on Your Healing Diet

    • ahahahaha yeah the guy that gave them to me teases me that I’m just going to sit there and eat them all. I’m like nope, must prove you wrong, will power over here. I hide them from myself though lol

  1. Omg. TOTAL LOVE!

    I’m going to try the sandwich once strawberry season kicks in, and the tofu thing once broccoli’s available again. It all looks yum!

  2. I love the strawberry sandwich! I almost never have sandwiches because I prefer sweet stuff to savory but a sandwich with fruit sounds perfect! Oats and chocolate are definitely musts, I don’t know how I’d live without them.

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